Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ance Treatment What Is A Very Good Ance Treatment Besides Proactive?

What is a very good ance treatment besides proactive? - ance treatment

It depends on the severity of acne. Consult a dermatologist for the best results.


preppy_s... said...

only works if you have some active acne. it wont make a difference in many people who have acne. .

Noxzema cleansers or try Neutrogena acne that u can find in pharmacies

Also, you should steam your face twice a week. This will help to cleanse the pores and reduce acne UR ..

To do this, buy a pot of boiling water, let it cool down a lil, add INA large bowl, then if u want in ur head Touchin set no water and a towel over the head of the Uruguay Round and flat, so that steam in the exhaust. Try to keep the head of the Ur Theera hold 5 to 10 minutes. Ferst its hard but youll get used to it too. Breathing through the mouth UR. UR then wash your face with cold water


Corri said...

I hate cleaning, toner, moisture routine and I Olay cloths. They are excellent! Get a prescription for Differin your doctor or dermatologist fade acne scars and prevent new outbreaks.

Steven T said...

The only thing that worked, I was trying Accutane. This requirement, however.

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